Sunday, January 18, 2015

Reflecting on my second post in the first module.  The question regarded which group of standards would best suit my needs as an assistant superintendent.  Because we are so very early in this course it is difficult for me to assess whether I am truly addressing the course concepts.

In relation to the standards, I feel my post was accurate although not particularly insightful in bringing new information to the table.  I did incorporate relevant professional experience in my response to another class member's post.  My post was clear, albeit short.

Collaboration with fellow learners - well, I guess we will see.  I find the online discourse more difficult as it is hard for me to "qualify" my online peers.  Not knowing them, not being able to hear them express their ideas verbally - to hear where they place their emphasis - being able to really dig deep without the fear of inadvertently insulting someone because I misread a post- this format makes that very difficult for me.  Very similar to the difficulties experienced when communicating via email.  Reminds me of the book The Giver, and the society's emphasis on precision of language.